
When you're out camping or visiting remote regions, internet access isn't always available, even though you might have a laptop along. The solution is to download the foraging guides from this website onto your laptop/pda for offline use. These guides are lightweight versions of the content available at this site. To use, download the zip file, extract the contents into a new folder, and view the documents using any internet browser, such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Safari.

Name File Size Format Release Date
Edible Wild Berries of the Pacific Northwest 2.5 Mg Html 06/18/09
Edible Invertebrates of the Pacific Northwest 1.5 Mg Html 06/18/09
Edible Wild Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest 1.5 Mg Html 06/18/09
Edible Wild Plants of the Pacific Northwest 7.5 Mg Html 06/18/09
Edible Seaweed of the Pacific Northwest 0.5 Mg Html 06/18/09

The Free Site!