Zeller's Bolete

  • cap is dark brown to nearly black
  • young cap has greyish bloom
  • undersurface has large yellow pores
  • stem is red with whitish base
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Look-alikes in British Columbia

The inedibly bitter Caloboletus rubripes differs in that the cap is lighter brown, the cap surface develops cracks and fissures when old, and the stem is not uniformly red, particularly on the upper part. A number of other similar-looking species are edible (or probably edible), but do not match all the key characteristics of this species. For example, X. dryophilus and X. truncatus differ in that the cap is lighter brown, the cap surface develops cracks and fissures when old, and the stem is not uniformly red, particularly on the upper part.

Related topics: Edible Plants of BC - Edible Berries of BC - Edible Mushrooms of BC
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