Hedgehog Mushroom

  • cap is tan, bruises orange
  • underside is covered in spines
  • stem is squat and paler than cap
  • flesh is whitish
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Look-alikes in Alberta

The inedible Hydnellum suaveolens differs in that the stem is purplish or bluish and it has a strong odor of anise or peppermint. The inedible Hydnellum caeruleum differs in that the cap is bluish (more so when young), the stem is orange, and the spore deposit is brown. The inedible Hydnellum aurantiacum differs in that the cap is orange to orange-brown and the spore deposit is brown. Bankera violascens, of unknown edibility, differs in that the cap is brown with purple or grey tones and the stem is darker than the cap.

See also Hydnum oregonense.

Related topics: Edible Berries of Alberta - Edible Plants of Alberta
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