- cap is up to 10 cm broad, convex, white to creamy, dry, smooth.
- older specimens have a nearly flat cap.
- flesh is white, firm.
- gills are crowded, free from the stem, progressing from bubble-gum pink to chocolate brown with age.
- stem is smooth, white.
- partial veil is smooth, white, and leaves a single, thin ring on the stem.
- stem does not have a bulbous base.
- flesh slowly bruises off-white, to dingy brown, NOT staining yellow, orange or red.
- grows in grassy areas, meadows and fields, often in a ring.
- appears in spring, summer, or fall.
- taste is mild, odor is pleasant; cook before eating.
- warning: discard specimens that do not have the bubblegum-pink pink gills or who's flesh stains yellow, orange, or red; these can be poisonous look-alikes.