- cap is up to 5cm wide, convex shaped, smooth and sticky, pink to red in color.
- older specimens have a planar cap with upturned margins.
- flesh is white and firm.
- gills are white, graying in age, and descend onto the stem.
- stem is white above and below the ring with a distinct bright yellow area towards the tapering base.
- partial veil is thin, leaving a colorless ring on the stem that soon turns black.
- grows singly or abundantly in areas with conifers.
- appears in the spring, summer and fall.
- has a pleasant taste with no odor; remove the cap's skin and cook before eating.
- an edible lookalike is Gomphidious nigricans, which grows under eastern white pine, has a pinkish cap and a stem that turns black when handled.
- an edible lookalike is [Gomphidious glutinosus], which is larger and has cinnamon-brown cap.